11 to 16 years

From managing emotions to a new school, parenting a teenager is a new challenge.

Our courses help you to understand your child

Why not sign up to one of our various parenting courses to help communicate and manage your child and their behaviours through adolescence.

Get in touch for more details

To book on now and find out exact times and dates please call our family hub on 01429 292444 or email parenting@hartlepool.gov.uk

Talking Teens

Our talking teens course is based on the most recent research on adolescence and runs once a week for 4 weeks.

The ABC of Arguing

New 3 hour workshop, friendly, informal and a great place to meet other parents, this course will help you deal with conflict, understanding and reducing this.

To book on now and find out exact times and dates please call our family hub on 01429 292444 or email parenting@hartlepool.gov.uk

Aged 15+? Hartlepool One Stop Support are here to help

The One Stop is a service for young people aged between 15 and 19. We offer an inclusive service from one location where young people can access help and support for a wide range of issues from homelessness to Education, Employment and Training.

Drop in to One Stop – (Pathfinders), Villiers Street, Hartlepool TS24 7SA

Monday to Thursday from 9:15am till 5pm or every Friday from 9:15am-4.30pm, or call 01429 284043.


Kooth is a website for young people (11-18) it offers free safe and anonymous online support. 

Kooth is an online mental health and well-being service for young people in Hartlepool. It offers free, safe and anonymous online counselling and support. Do you want someone to understand? Or do you need help for a friend?

Virtual support for young people and parents

We have partnered with the Solihull Approach to provide free 24/7 access to virtual support, advice and guidance online courses covering a range of courses written for teenagers with teenagers as well as for parents designed with clinical psychologists.

Our brains develop rapidly in adolescence changing the way we feel, express ourselves and behave. These courses shares some of the science behind this and may help you process some of your feelings and how they’re changing as well as how parents can understand your child and your child as they go through adolescence. 

Sign up now on the In Our Place website and use access code LIGHTHOUSE.

Teenage Pregnancy

There is extra support available for teenage parents who might have extra challenges, like handling people’s attitudes or finishing school.

Register with us

Fill out the regsitration form below for updates on our in person and virtual classes and other types of support relevant to you! Please download and read the Consent Form before applying. 

Child One Details *


Register with us

Fill out the form below for updates on our in person and virtual classes and other types of support relevant to you! Please download and read the Consent Form before applying. 

Child One Details

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Welcome to Family Hubs in Hartlepool. Your Family, Your Town, Your Family Hub. The go-to resource of support and advice for children and families in Hartlepool.