17 to 19 years

Family Hubs are not just here to help parents. If you are 17-19 years old, see how we can help you too.

Emotional wellbeing

Hartlepool Youth Services have created a booklet with all sorts of tips and guidance for managing stress and looking after your emotional wellbeing

It contains ideas and tips, activities to try, contact details for people who can help you and lots more. This can make help you feel calmer, more confident and do more things that are important to you.

Virtual support

We have partnered with the Solihull Approach to provide free 24/7 access to virtual support, advice and guidance online courses covering a range of courses written for teenagers with teenagers.

Our brains develop rapidly in adolescence changing the way we feel, express ourselves and behave. These courses shares some of the science behind this and may help you process some of your feelings and how they’re changing.

Use the access code LIGHTHOUSE when you sign up to Solihull.

Understand and recognise

You may be feeling overwhelmed, confused, anxious or frustrated, these courses are designed to help you recognise and manage your feelings:

  • Understanding your brain
  • Understanding your feelings


Kooth is a website for young people (11-18) it offers free safe and anonymous online support. 

Kooth is an online mental health and well-being service for young people in Hartlepool. It offers free, safe and anonymous online counselling and support. Do you want someone to understand? Or do you need help for a friend?

Drugs and alcohol support

Talk to frank is a confidential drug and alcohol service for young people. The provide help and advice if you are concerned about others, what to to in an emergency and more. 

Self-harm support

Self-harm is when you set out to hurt yourself or damage your health deliberately. Sometimes this is done in secret. If you ever feel like hurting yourself please remember… you are not alone!

Sexual health support

The Sexual Health Hub

They provide free and confidential sexual health services in Teesside including information and advice on all types of contraception and STI testing and treatment.

Our service is confidential, non-judgmental and for people of all ages, genders and orientations.

Their sexual health clinics can be found in Middlesbrough, Redcar, Hartlepool, Stockton-on-Tees.

Teenage Pregnancy

Finding out you’re pregnant when you’re a teenager can be daunting, especially if the pregnancy was not planned. But help and support is available. First, if you think you might be pregnant but you’re not sure, it’s important to take a pregnancy test as soon as possible to find out.

Becoming a parent while you are at school does not mean the end of your education. If you are of compulsory school age your school will not exclude you because you are pregnant. Usually there should be no health and safety issue connected with school attendance and your pregnancy. Your school must make reasonable adjustments for you and must allow you to continue to attend if that is what you wish to do.

The law says colleges, universities or your apprenticeship employer are not allowed to treat you unfairly if you’re pregnant or have had a baby.

Young people housing support

Thirteen group offer support for young people and young parents aged 16-25 who are living in their own rented home and need some extra assistance to help them manage. You can work with our staff to develop your own support plan which can include help with:

  • positive parenting
  • tenancy support
  • crisis prevention
  • money management
  • being a good tenant and neighbour


Staff are available between 9am and 10pm Monday to Friday, and 9am to 8pm at weekends. They also have an out-of-hours on-call response service

Work experience and
volunteering opportunities

We believe that offering work experience opportunities is a keyway to raise the skills and employability of our residents.

Why do work experience? It can help you when making choices about your future, you can gain new skills and can strengthen your CV or course application.

Useful links

Current work experience, volunteering and apprenticeship opportunities – Hartlepool Borough Council

Register your interest and be notified and considered for apprenticeships or work experience – Apprentices and Work Experience, Your Say Our Future

Useful contacts

There are lots of other organisations who can support you. 

Self-Injury Guidance & Network Support

Hartlepool One Stop Support

The One Stop is a service for young people aged between 15 and 19. We offer an inclusive service from one location where young people can access help and support for a wide range of issues from homelessness to Education, Employment and Training.

Drop in to One Stop – (Pathfinders), Villiers Street, Hartlepool TS24 7SA

Monday to Thursday from 9:15am till 5pm or every Friday from 9:15am-4.30pm, or call 01429 284043.

You are not alone

If you require further support, you can access more information and 24/7 listening services for free, we are here. 

What to do in a mental health crisis

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Teenage Pregnancy

Being a new parent can be overwhelming, and we want to make sure that you have the resources and support you need.

Teenage pregnancy support 

Pregnancy test, surprise and woman on sofa in home,

Register with us

Fill out the regsitration form below for updates on our in person and virtual classes and other types of support relevant to you! Please download and read the Consent Form before applying. 

Child One Details *


Register with us

Fill out the form below for updates on our in person and virtual classes and other types of support relevant to you! Please download and read the Consent Form before applying. 

Child One Details

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Welcome to Family Hubs in Hartlepool. Your Family, Your Town, Your Family Hub. The go-to resource of support and advice for children and families in Hartlepool.