2 to 4 years

During this time, your child will be offered a developmental review looking at your child’s social, emotional, behavioural and language development.  

Your toddler's health

During this time, your child will be offered a developmental review looking at your child’s social, emotional, behavioural and language development.  

The resource Tiny Happy People from the BBC is excellent is helping you to develop your child’s communication skills through interaction and play.

Child Development

Community nursery nurses and staff nurses work closely with health visitors to make sure you have all the support you need to help your child develop to their full potential. They can work with you in your home, in nursery or in the Family Hubs on a one to one basis or in groups to encourage all areas of development.

If you feel you would benefit from support from your community nursery nurse or staff nurse, please speak to your child’s health visitor or telephone 01429 292444

Early Language

Make the most of everyday opportunities to chat with your baby or toddler, especially while you are out and about. It will help them learn new words and develop their communication skills.

The downloadable Walk and Talk NHS cards help you talk to your baby or child while you are out and about. This will help develop their speech and communication skills. Here you’ll discover tips, activities and prompts to have exciting new conversations

Visit Talking to your child when you’re out and about – Words for Life for more information on why talking to your child is so important for language development, and find a list of age specific activities you can do with your toddler to support their language and literacy development. 

Useful Links

Early language – Early language key messages booklet

Help your child learn to talk – NHS 

Early language development and chid’s progress tracker – Speech and Language UK

Sleep and bedtime routines

Useful links

How much sleep do children need – NHS

Encouraging good sleep habits – NHS


Your child should have all of the below vaccination by the time they reach 2 and half years:

Immunisation timeline – NHS

Men B Vaccine – NHS

Men C/Hib Vaccine – NHS

MMR Vaccine – NHS

Flu Vaccine – NHS

2-2.5 year developmental review

At 2-2.5 years of age your health visiting service will offer your child a developmental review. This review will focus on your child’s social, emotional, behavioural and language development using tools known as the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) 3 and Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional (ASQ:SE).

It will respond to any concerns about physical health, growth, development, hearing or vision and offer guidance to parents/carers on behaviour management and what to do if they become worried about their child.

It will offer information and guidance on promoting language development and will offer advice on nutrition and physical activity for the family and raise awareness of dental care, immunisations, accident prevention, sleep management, toilet training and sources of parenting advice and information and identify progress towards the Ready for School entitlement.

Child's behaviour

As children don’t come with instruction manuals, help is at hand, click on the links below for information and videos on looking after your child, if you have any questions feel free to contact our health visiting teams. 

Useful Links

Guide to Positive Parenting – NSPCC Learning

Dealing with child behavioural problems – NHS

Solihull Approach

You can use the Solihull Approach online guide support courses available to access 24/7 that will teach you in depth about understanding your child and their behaviour, find out more here

Discover Solihull

Offering advice and support for parents

Hartlepool Family Hubs offer a wide range of free support for parents to help you on your parenting journey. 

Support for Parents


Providing free support for families

Being a new parent can be overwhelming, and we want to make sure that you have the resources and support you need.

About Family Hubs in Hartlepool


What's On

All of our Family Hubs run in-person events every week.
Take a look at what’s on this week and call to book your place.

Register with us

Fill out the regsitration form below for updates on our in person and virtual classes and other types of support relevant to you! Please download and read the Consent Form before applying. 

Child One Details *


Register with us

Fill out the form below for updates on our in person and virtual classes and other types of support relevant to you! Please download and read the Consent Form before applying. 

Child One Details

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Welcome to Family Hubs in Hartlepool. Your Family, Your Town, Your Family Hub. The go-to resource of support and advice for children and families in Hartlepool.